Back To School Tuesday: Diy Supplies!
Hi! Today I brought you guys my FIRST Back To School Series Ever!! So I finally decided to make this post because I know that for most of you classes start soon (including myself) and it might be that exciting. This kinds of things are the are what motivate me to get excited to go back to school, hopefully it will motivate you I have been planning this post since June 26th, I know I am kind of crazy, these supplies are easy to do not pricey at all! I will link some videos just if you need a little more explanation. I will also try my best detail wise. Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Diy Pencils pic taken from the internet This diy is made with pencils, modge podge and washi tape of your preference. So the steps to this diy are mostly easy and by looking at it you will know what to do! F