2 Easy Slime Recipes!!; No Borax needed!

Hi! Today I bring you a new version of post here at my blog! Sometimes its easier to see it than read it, and in that case I sat down and made a game plan, I can insert a video directly from my PC so you guys can watch it ,but I thought to my self why not take it an extra mile, why not make a Youtube Channel!! Hahaha, Will you take a guess at the name of the channel?...Its MIND OF ISABELLE!!! #MindOfIsabelleBlogFam . I'm looking for video shooting materials etc. If you know about good quality materials I can look for please make sure to leave a comment at the comment section! Its actually gonna be faceless Diy Channel but with lots and lots of easy DIY's for all year long, for every season you can imagine including; Thank's Giving, Christmas, Halloween, New Years, Valentines and much much more! Get excited! Because this one will not only be about DIY's, I will include also Life Hacks for every possible situation. You never know were the future take us, there mig...