2 Easy Slime Recipes!!; No Borax needed!
I'm looking for video shooting materials etc. If you know about good quality materials I can look for please make sure to leave a comment at the comment section! Its actually gonna be faceless Diy Channel but with lots and lots of easy DIY's for all year long, for every season you can imagine including; Thank's Giving, Christmas, Halloween, New Years, Valentines and much much more! Get excited! Because this one will not only be about DIY's, I will include also Life Hacks for every possible situation. You never know were the future take us, there might amazing such things as giveaways, merch etc! This Blog is gonna get a serious UPDATE!! Little by little we're creating a bigger, crafty, world wide family!
Now to the stuff we're here for, This post is about the internet-wide raved SLIMES!! Today I have for you 2 Amazingly Easy Diy slime recipes that you'll absolutely love because there so easy!! If don't speak english and you want to understand this blog post better please go ahead and click that translate button under the header and select the language you speak. Remember to Share this post with your friends so you all can enjoy a Slime-tastic activity!! Let's get started!!

1. The 2min Baby Powder Slime!
For this slime you will need this products you see around this guide message. This slime is quite easy and doesn't take that much time!

The baby powder measures vary because the more you add in the harder it will be.
Recommended: start by adding little amounts of baby powder and stop when you absolutely love the consistency of it!
*Add to your bowl the glue (remember the measurements those are very important)
* Add your food coloring
*mix, add your baby powder
-- 2. Laundry Detergent Slime --

This recipe is better if you use a clear laundry detergent, I was lucky enough to have this detergent at my laundry room its the exact brand, size and color. This can be confused for other brands make sure that detergent is clear because if not no matter how
much food coloring you use, the color

The supplies you are gonna use is around this guide message.
Add the glue (1/4 cup) and the food coloring (desired color).
add your detergent (1/4 table spoon)
start mixing when well mixed, start adding your baby powder and start folding until desired fluffinnes and airyness!
Hope you enjoyed it! I had lots of fun making it! Let me know if got to do it, and if you did make sure to post it and tag it to the hashtag #MindOfIsabelleFam #SlimeWithIsa'sBlogFam !! Have a good day!!
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