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How To Clean A Beauty Blender Without Spending A Penny!!  Hi! So today I bring you guys a super easy way to clean your beauty blender! Lets face it we all like how our beauty blenders look when they are clean and we get disgusted when the look dirty, you want to clean them but you do not want to spend a cent! Then get this I felt the same and I got bored of looking for ideas because there was no way to do it! So i thought that the only thing that could be used to clean it was the bar of soap so I took it, then started in a way to rub the blender on the bar in up & down motion  and the product inside of the blender started to run down ...IT WAS WORKING! When I was done I started to clean all the blenders I owned and I decided to blog about! So here we are!

You will need:
*Bar of soap
*Dirty Beauty Blenders
Step to Glory:
*Clean in up & down motions

 Hope you will enjoy this fantastic experience! Make sure to leave down a comment letting me know if you liked it and how did it go and also what would you love to see next?


You know you want to!

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