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My most recent Ipsy bag

My most recent full of surprises Ipsy Bag... do you want to know what's inside ???
Ipsy is company that monthly provides subscribers personalized makeup inside of a precious little bag about the size as the one in the picture which is called "Glam Bag". Ipsy also charges 10$ per month for this service.
Ok now to my opinion about ipsy ,all in all, I believe that ipsy is totally worth it the money because before even entering your information in the registration process it provides a "Beauty Quiz" which in other words it let's you personalize or choose what you would love to receive in your Glam Bag. In addition to all the numerous benefits of this subscription service is that Ipsy also supplies high quality beauty products that have been recently released and that is something that I absolutely LOVE about Ipsy! 
Now, for what you came for, what is actually inside my Glam Bag: 
1.Tre'Stique mini lip crayon in Tuscan wine in 
2.Luxie Brushes Presicion Foundation Brush number 660
3.Artist Edition Luxe Eye Pen - Liner+Star stamp 
4.Organic Infused Gel Effect Nail Laquer
5.After Glow 8-hour highlighter in sin 
If you would like to subscribe to Ipsy click this link:

Hope you will enjoy this fantastic experience, make sure to share and leave down a comment letting me know if you liked it and how did it go and also what would you love to see next? 


You know you want to!

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