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Short hair? No Worries I Got You! 

Short hair? No worries!! I brought you a simple yet beautiful top side braid great for the summer. Don't know how to braid well it's easy just part your hair in the front, take that part and divide it in three parts then the piece you got in the front add hair to it. When your done adding your hair you're gonna drag that part to the middle. After that you're gonna do the same steps until you have your desired look. 

Feeling lazy? Follow these steps to glory:

  • Brush your hair 
  • Start braiding 
  • Use a bobby pin to secure you braid 
  • Then take a piece of hair and hide the Bobby pin(s) 
  • Take your curling iron and give your self some slight curls to give the look a little bit of oomph! 

Hope you will enjoy this fantastic experience, make sure to share and leave down a comment letting me know if you liked it and how did it go and also what would you love to see next? 


You know you want to!

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