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Gluten-Free Easy Strawberry Frozen Yogurt!

 Hi! So I have come back to share another amazing, healthy and most importantly Delicious strawberry frozen yogurt recipe just for you guys! Keep in my you can always change the fruit and the quantities this is just my favorite frozen yogurt recipe and I just wanted to to share it with you guys plus the ingredients are very simple and the steps are very easy to follow. Once you get used to making different type of recipes you will be able to make different of healthy snacks whenever you want! Also this recipe serves 4. If you want the recipe smaller or bigger you can always substract or add of these same ingredients, remember to use this recipe as a guide. Great news because its gluten free. And its a hundred calories!!

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 What you will need:
4 cups of frozen strawberries (or any other fruit)
3 tbsp of agave nectar or honey
1 tbsp lemon juice , fresh
1/2 cup of yogurt ,plain non fat or full fat
Food processor or blender-the blender will take a few minutes longer
  Steps to Glory:
First take out your food processor and throw in you frozen strawberries
Throw in also your plain yogurt
blend , while blending begin adding your lemon , also add your agave or honey
once blended nicely, take out your bowl and begin filling the bowl with your yogurt
when the bowl is completely filled with all your yogurt go ahead and put inside your freezer 12 hours or one day, this will let you be sure that is it will be frozen
before serving make sure to leave it out of the freezer for about 15 mins or so.
add your favorite toppings and babam! Finished!

 Hope you will enjoy this fantastic experience! Make sure to leave down a comment letting me know if you liked it and how did it go and also what would you love to see next?


You know you want to!

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