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4 Hairstyles For The 1st Day Of School!! Click Here To See How!

Hi! Today I was requested by a fellow reader to make this post so here we are!! I just wanted to know that I really appreciate you guys and anything you request me to do I will do it! Bad hair days are for everybody, at some point in our lives we get blessed with them, in this post you will find hairstyles that are quite easy and still look amazing! ,these hairstyles are not only for school the can be for any other event, place etc. All these hairstyles have 1-3 steps or less! Without further a do lets get started! All the pics are from pinterest expect the one in the left.

                                         1.Half Inside Hair-do
                      This hair-do is really easy to do and looks like you took
                                all day making it!
                                1.Make a half-up ponytail
                                2.Then try to split the middle open
                                3.Make sure that all the hair has passed through

                                                              2.Twisted Half-up
                                        This one is easier than the first one!
                                        1.Take a long piece of hair from the front and
                                        twist it.(both sides)
                                        2.Use a clear elastic hair tie or any hair tie you                                                have to seal the deal.

                                                              3.Easy Elegant Curls Do
                            I absolutely love curls yet curls in my hair do not last!
                                           This is the only way I get lasting and wavy curls! I                                                  totally recommend it and it makes you very put                                                      together and elegant!
                                           1.Make the original simple braid at both sides.
                                           2. Tie them.
                                           3.Take a flat iron and flat iron the braids
                                           4.Let them loose



                                                                  4.The twisted side-do 
                       This side-do is truly a back to school friendly because it is simple and very quick to do! It looks very cute for school to!
                       1.Take your bang hair and unite it with the hair above and below                              your ear.
                       2.Divide what is the hair your gonna twist and what is what you                                   need to put apart.
                       3.Once you know what you are gonna use and what you are not                                gonna use and tie it.
                       4.Twist what your front hair till the end, then unite the rest of the                              hair and tie it.

Hope you liked it! Make sure to leave down a comment letting me know what would you loveee to see next!


You know you want to!

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