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10 School Life Hacks That You NEED To Know!! PLUS 2 SPECIAL BH COSMETICS OFFER!!

School Life Hacks 

Hi! Today I thought I'd sit down and write down some school life hacks because sometimes we just need those life hacks to survive!! I know what you're thinking, -Isabelle, You haven't posted in a million years! I know, And I am extremely sorry, It's just that I have already started school and at this time of year time is gold. Once I get home I'm extremely exhausted and have not had any time to sit down and post! So so sorry!

But, this weekend I will try to do at least three more post to catch on again! I have so much planned! Such as starting to make video demonstrations for my diy posts (to make it easier to understand), I have tons of posts to make for every season of the year and much much more!! Hopefully these school life hacks are actually helpful in some way. Let's get started.

                                              1. Better Search Engines!
Stop using to look for your essay information, instead use for better and quality info!
        2. Get An Easy A+ With This Trick.
Once your done writing your essay on your PC copy paste it on Google Translate and listen to it, it'll   be easier to find mistakes this way.
   3. Sleepy Is No More!
Everyday try to shower on cold water, at the coldness you know you can handle yet you want it to still be out of your comfort zone, trust me you will instantly wake up after this.

 4. Easy Way To Remember.

Studies have it that you're most likely to remember what you write if you write with blue ink instead of black ink.
            5. Awkward Moments.
If think you have doubt of an answer at school and for some reason the words slips out of you're lips than what you can do is make look like you're harmonizing instead.
Teacher asks- What's 5+6?
You Almost Say- 14 by accident but then you do like -fourohhh fouriii yeah! sounds cray trust it'll save you're life (:.

6. Sleep Stress Free.

Try to plan out and\or take out the clothes your are gonna wear the next day. Finish your homework on time so stress out on having bad grades. Sleep away from your phone so you will not stay up 'til midnight on social media and\or youtube. Re-organize your backpack ,meaning so you don't go to school without your pencils, notebooks, important homework etc.

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    7. Make Alarms For The Up and Out!
You want to make 2 alarms, make one to get out of bed and one to get of the house that way you'll know you have make everything faster because of time will eventually run out.

                8.While You Study.
Tell someone near you that you know to change the password of your phone while listening to music and studying, It'll prevent you from using and losing focus. Obviously then ask to change it back.

  9.Studying Got Easier.
Try to say out loud what you're trying to remember as a "speech"  as if you were speaking to an audience, it'll make it better to remember at your test.

 10. Record...
Record your self singing what you need to remember and then replay and replay 'til you memorize it and it gets "catchy"!

Hope that it was helpful for you in some way! Tell me if you like to see "Diy Desk Decor For Teachers" in the comments!! 


You know you want to!

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