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5 Common Makeup Mistakes!! The Makeup Oh God No's!!

Hi! today I bring you 5 common mistakes! These I wanted to make one of these for a long time, so in a way I studied what looks good and was didn't. This post is just to use as a reference when applying makeup, every face is different every skin color, eye color, hair color etc is different which means that some people can totally slay what I consider a mistake ,but this is just what I deeply believe that shouldn't be done.

1.Dark Lip Liner And Nude Lipstick
This one is bad bad and I see so often in so many women and ladies. The dark lip liner
doesn't match with the nude lip, the lip liner should not peek through the lipstick with this "technique" it does. As I said maybe some women may be able to rock this but I consider it a huge mistake.

2.Leaving A Division Of Foundation On Your Neck
I had to put this one because I've seen it so much, this makes your full face look like a mask, what I would recommend is that you take your beauty blender or sponge and just with very little amount of foundation try and even your neck to your face.

3.Matching Foundation On The Back Of Your Hand 
When you want to see if a foundation or concealer matches your skin color you want to apply to your neck. Sometimes your hands can be 2-3 shades lighter than your actual skin color and that's because for example when you go to the beach your hands don't get a tan your face does. Bad mistake.

4.Over Lining The Eyes 
The liner whether its liquid or gel, sometime we get carried away, its important to know that in makeup sometimes less is more (specially eyeliner).

5.Wearing To Much Face Powder
This can be a con or even a pro because sometimes wearing to much face powder can make your face look cakey (by cakey I mean oily or runny foundation)  ,but in other cases wearing a good quality face powder and the right amount on your face could look amazing.

 Hopefully all this info was helpful in some way! I am working one doing a 10 beauty life hacks post this week somewhere between the 28th and 29th of this month! Make sure to leave me a comment letting me know what you want see next and if you want to see more like this.


You know you want to!

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