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Is It Important To Fit In? Blend In? Why Normal?; First Day Of School

 Hi! Today I thought I would sit down and write about going to a new school. Well I navigated through the internet to see like tips n tricks, what it was mostly recommended for the first day of school and I started to see many sites saying that to make friends and be accepted by your fellow students you needed to 'Fit in' or be "cool", my desires to make this post just kept getting stronger through everything I saw and read.

Last year I entered a new school and I would like to say that I did not try to fit in and get accepted by the students, but I did. Everyday as I started getting to know everyone that surrounded me and the more I understanded what was happening the less I cared what people thought or said about me. If you are a kid, a tween or a teen I just want you to know that to get accepted at school you do not  have to be what others want you to be. Being yourself is the most original and unique thing you can do.

What you should really try to do is standout from the rest, show that you are different! Try, just try to start to get straight A's. Forget about impressing your frienemies and try impressing your teachers. Show confidence, because you are not trying anymore to pretend now you want to try to be your better self everyday! Innovative thinking for the better good!!

Select your friends, not everybody will always get along with you, I have struggled a lot in the past because of that. There is always that person you will just not accept that you standout more than them or that you are entered with another spirit. Everybody is different! No more pretending! Be you! Because you are perfect just the way you are! Encourage others to do the same! If your enemy is did something to you return the favor with something GOOD!! Make a difference! Keep your friends close! Be a Leader not a Follower!!


You know you want to!

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