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My Tips 'n' Tricks To A Clear Face!! Revealing Secrets! Check It Out!

Hello! I've comeback to post my tricks to having a clear skin. Many people believe its absolutely impossible to reach that level, but i have come here to tell its everything in the contrary!

On the other hand I'll also have to warn that just like everything in life, to reach your goal you need to be consistent, by that I mean that if you want a clear face you need to make all the steps necessary to get it that way, not only to get that way but to maintain it like so.

In this post, I'll make sure to motivate you to take and make the best out of these steps, try and make a habit out of them, believe me when I say all it takes is a few steps. If you like putting makeup on and sometimes you accidentally forget to take it off before going to sleep, you're in risk of getting bumpy skin.

1.Products I Use
These are the products I use;

1.Equate Beauty - Scrub
2.Skyn Iceland - Face Wash
3.Skin & Co - Face Toner
4.POND'S - Hydrating Cream
When I don't have scrub, I mix
5. Equate - citrus hand soap
6. clariSEA - powder exfoliant

*NOTE*: I understand if you think this are an awful lot of products but, realize this, it's what I have been using and what has been working for me ;).

2. 2 Products I Recommend

These retail for $8.97. These are by Clean & Clear, they're two bottles one for morning and for the night. Totally Recommended!


This retails for $5.25. Its a toner, toners are made to seal the deal. For after you apply the scrub or the face wash you apply the toner and it will not let any of extra dirt get into pores! Recommended!

2. 4 Other Ways To Do It!

  • Drink lots of water! 
This may sound kind of weird but ,hear this water is the best most efficient cleanser there is! It doesn't clean only your face but, it also cleanses the rest of your body! Do not let the simplicity of this step because by following it you'll see amazing results! Your face will start thanking you before you know it!

  • Bathe with warm water.
Hot water will open your pores (every pore in your body). Take your soap bar or liquid soap and start rubbing it on your face on a circular motion. This step is not in fact equally efficient as using an actually face scrub or cleanser etc. but, until you do get one this will go the job.

  • Change your pillow case more often.
It is disgusting to say or read but, we all drool when we are asleep, meaning all of that drool starts to accumulate and transforming into bacteria, after all bacteria is the cause of zits, bumps etc. But this is not the only way also need to clean your hair more often because, if your like me and where you live its really cold, you rather have your hair hanging loose but, consequences are that if you don't wash it you might also be accumulating bacteria in it which later on you will pass it to your pillow case and combine it with your drool creating a massive home for bacteria! Amazing huh?! 😊

  • Don't over wash!
If after washing your face with your full-routine or normal routine you feel that your face is still oily and are considering washing again but only aggresively, don't, because you might be causing more harm than you think. By doing this you risk your face getting oilier, in spare time of two weeks or more you'll start to see results, whether good or bad totally depends on your decisions.

Thank you for reading! Hopefully you gathered useful information and/or inspo to go and achieve your goal! I totally understand how stressful it can be sometimes when you look in the mirror and you see a VOLCANO that had just popped into your life! I totally encourage to start your own routine and who knows how it might go! Have a wonderful day! #MindOfIsabelle #MindOfIsabelleReaders 


You know you want to!

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